Forum: Freestuff

Subject: Uploading Content Category Options and Frequency of Uploading unchanged fil

richardandtracy opened this issue on Mar 30, 2021 ยท 5 posts

richardandtracy posted Tue, 30 March 2021 at 6:41 AM

When uploading a 3D item it would be really nice if the category dropdown enabled one next to it and filled it with appropriate options to be selected.

To give an example, yesterday I uploaded a little prop of a suntan lotion bottle. When trying to get it categorised correctly I had to edit the upload twice, and each time I had to select the thumbnail, main image & upload file as well. On the initial creation I could select the category as '3D Model', next edit a new dropdown had appeared next to '3D Model' and I could select sub category 'Props' and on the final edit a third dropdown had appeared where I could select the 'Household' sub category of props. It would have been nice to have three dropdown category lists and as the leftmost one is selected, it enables the one to the right of it and fills in appropriate options.

Furthermore, when editing an upload, is it possible to allow the Thumbnail, Main Image and Upload to remain what they were unless deliberately replaced by selecting a new file? If someone wants to correct a spelling error in the description text, the three files need to be uploaded again. It all risks errors creeping in and adds needlessly to the time taken.

It is possible to carry on in the way it is, but it'd be quicker & easier with the suggested changes.

